- Connector.
The Race
May 24, 2020
- Connector.
Baylands Park @ Sunnyvale
Address: 999 E Caribbean Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 - Connector.
Race Timings
The Half Marathon will start at 8:00 AM sharp and the 10K will start at 8:30 AM sharp and 5K run/walk will start at 8.45 AM sharp. There will be pre-race warm-ups starting at 8.05 AM.
- Connector.
Runner Perks
– Complimentary Tech T-shirts for all race registrants
– Staggered start for each distance
– Course Entertainment
– Finisher Medals
– Separate races for the kids
– Painting supplies for the tots
– A children’s entertainer to regale the kids
– Post-race festivities
– Free Indian hearty breakfast - Connector.
Race Bib Pick Up
Date: TBD
Venue: Sports Basement, Sunnyvale
Address: 1177 Kern Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
Time: TBD - Connector.
Finisher Medals
– All participants completing the race will receive one
– HM participants will receive the special Half Marathon finisher medal
– For each race category, top 3 runners in Men’s and Women’s group will receive special winner medals5K/10K RUN
Winner medals will be given in the following age groups:
0-12, 13-17, 18-35, 36-55, 55+
– Overall 1st Place winners will also receive plaques.Half Marathon
Top 3 runners in Men’s and Women’s group will receive winner medalsKids races
Top 3 runners in Boys’ and Girls’ group will receive winner medals - Connector.
There is very limited parking inside the park. So please carpool if possible.
There is a $6 parking fee at Baylands Park payable by cash only. Please bring exact change. Note that some parking lots will require a 10-minute walk to the main event area.There is additional FREE parking available at:
1310, 1320-24, 1315 & 1325-27 Chesapeake Terrace,
CA 94089
Please allow 15 minutes for parking at the event.
- Connector.
The Race for Literacy reserves the right to reject any entry and adheres to the standard running industry policy: All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.