India Literacy Project, ILP, is a US-based non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to spreading the cause of literacy in India. “Lead us from darkness unto light” says the vedic verse “tamasoma jyotirgamayah” – from the darkness of illiteracy to the light of knowledge. ILP’s maxim, LAMP (Literacy As a Movement of People) aptly captures this essence. ILP acts as a catalyst for 100% literacy by forming meaningful partnerships with Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in India, who are working towards the goals of total literacy and the universal right to primary education.

In the US, ILP has chapters and interest groups in metropolitan areas including the California Bay Area. ILP is a completely volunteer-based organization, with over 250 volunteers in the US, concentrating its efforts on building awareness for the importance of education and raising funds for literacy and empowerment programs. ILP has extended its reach to the most rural and remote parts of India and its support has benefited over 100,000 women and children since inception in 1990. All donations to ILP are tax deductible under Section 501(c)3 of the IRS code (Tax Id 36-3779020).
The Challenges…
- India has as many illiterates as the US has people (300 million)
- Nearly every 2nd woman in India cannot read or write
- Awareness of rights and responsibilities is noticeably missing

…and the Opportunity
- In just 20 years*, an 80% increase in India’s literacy contributed to 110% GDP growth
- Just imagine the advances our world could make with 300 million more literate people in the world’s largest democracy

Our Vision
To be a catalyst for achieving 100% Literacy in India

Our Mission
Empowering every individual we serve with functional literacy and an understanding of their basic rights and responsibilities.

We always love to hear from you. Feel free to learn more about us on www.ilpnet.org.